Video Consultation IT-Systems
Are you a user of our IT systems in the field of clinical research and have problems, questions or training needs? Then visit our video consultation hours.
That's how it's done:
1. Register by e-mail and receive access data
2. Go to or use the Zoom app. Or take part via DFNconf.
3. Enter the meeting ID or click the meeting link
4. Participate
These are our consultation hours:
DZHK-BDMS (TrialComplete):
Roberto Lorbeer | Fridays every 2 weeks, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., next appointment: 14.03.2025 | Registration: bdms(at)
Ivonne Wallrabenstein | Tuesdays every 2 weeks, 10-11 a.m., next appointment: 11.03.2025 | Registration: biobanking(at)
DZHK Data Management (secuTrial):
Sabine Hanß | last Friday of the month, 10-11 a.m. | Registration:
Trusted Third Party:
Alexander Rudolph | Thursdays every 2 weeks, 10-11 a.m., next appointment: 13.03.2025 | Registration: ths-dzhk(at)
DZHK Heart Bank (Use and Access):
Alexandra Klatt | Tuesdays every 2 weeks, 1-2 p.m., next appointment: 18.03.2025 | Registration: use.access(at) | zoom link